Back to Basics

Edited by Giacomo Mojoli – Designer of ideas

The MERCATINO DEL GUSTO is 25 years old and, precisely for this reason, the key word of this edition is a synthesis of its way of operating and promoting design culture across the board.

In every field of social life, including the sphere of tourism, food, catering and hospitality, critical issues are being generated that increasingly highlight the absolute need to re/return to the BASICS. It is a matter of returning to certain basic rules, those that are substantial and, arguably, necessary.
We need to go back to the indispensable, indispensable things, made with elementary codes, in many cases primary and therefore essential.
Not so much to revive the past. But to reiterate that to do anything well, to design an idea in an original way, to complete any activity, to build and govern the future, it is necessary – if not indeed essential – to have fundamentals.
In every knowledge there are basics. In the arts as in communication, in economics as in physics and, why not, in cooking as in a fishmonger’s shop, in the culture of gastronomic project as in design or architecture.
For too long, however, we have become accustomed to thinking that everything can be just a click away. We have not yet realised that being able to access information does not mean possessing a subject or expertise. Even less, becoming an influencer, before becoming a testimonial, does not guarantee in-depth communication.
This is why, through the Mercatino del Gusto, we tell people about the world of food, wine and hospitality, together with chefs, winegrowers, artisans and producers. But, at the same time, we contaminate it with art, music, literature, design exhibitions and new languages. To build and generate fundamental relationships capable of generating new ideas that serve as a model and stimulus for the territory, for Apulia and, if possible, for the Italian system.

Creator of the Mercatino del Gusto

President of the Mercatino del Gusto Association

Journalist – Ideas designer